搜索"Roel" ,找到 11部影视作品
故事发生在十九世纪末北欧,混乱的局势衰颓的经济令人民们陷入了民不聊生的境地。农民拉斯卡森(马克斯·冯·西多 Max von Sydow 饰)带着儿子佩尔(贝利·赫维内加拉德 Pelle Hvenegaard 饰)来到丹麦,希望能够在这里依靠自己的双手挣得更体面的生活。 然而,现实却远不如想象中那么美好,父子两人好不容易在农庄里找到了一份清理马厩的工作,无处可去的两人只能和马只一起睡在茅草堆上,白日里还要受到雇主的责难和剥削,生活苦不堪言。长工埃里克(比约恩·格拉纳特 Björn Granath 饰)积极的领导工人们同压迫他们的管家作斗争,埃里克的自由精神深深鼓舞了佩尔,使cctv1在线观看他决定离开庄园,开拓新的天地。
Roel Reiné
乔•林伍德(小泰德•戴比斯 Ted DiBiase Jr. 饰)是美军陆战队驻东南亚基地的一名特种侦察a kite兵。在一次狙杀军火商人的行动中,乔出色完成了任务,却也造成一名无辜少年死亡。在此之后,他得以回美国休假。与此同时,乔的妻子却约他去东南亚的谭吉拉海滩度假。原来妻子的老板达伦•考那在当地开发电视剧母亲心了五星级的度假村,夫妇俩应邀前往。身心倍感疲惫的乔耐不住妻子的央求,只得一同前往。 当地秀美的自然风光让这个男人的心灵暂时得到舒缓,然而好景不长。正当度假村举行盛大的庆祝派对时,一伙蒙面匪徒杀进村中,将这群上流人士劫为人质。侥幸逃脱的乔决定返回,以解救妻子和那群无辜之人…… 本片男主角Ted DiBiase Jr.是美国最大摔角组织WWE的摔角明星。
When school teacher Harriet Winslow goes to Mexico to teach, she is kidnapped by Gen. Tomas Arroyo and his revolutionaries. An aging American, Ambrose "Old Gringo" Bierce also in Mexico, befriends Gen. Arroyo and meets Harriet. Bierce is a famous writer, who knowing that he is dying, wishes to keep his identit国产免费毛不卡片y secret so he can determine his own fate. Though he likes Arroyo, Bierce tries to provoke the General's anger whenever poss俄罗斯大转盘ible in an attempt to get himself killed, thus avoiding suffering through his illness. Winslow is intrigued by both Bierce and Arroyo, and the men are in turn attracted to her. She becomes romantically involved with Arroyo. When Winslow learns of Bierce's true identity (a writer whose work she has loved and respected for years), she is singlemindedly determined to fulfill his dying wish.
Young and talented Han van Meegeren is a rebel in the early 1920's Amsterdam art-scene. Because he paints in the style of his idols Rembrandt and Vermeer, critics find his work old-fashioned and they call him a co王者艾琳害羞流口水的表情pycat. Just to prove a poi在车上被弄到高cnt, he produces a fake Vermeer and tries to pass it off as a real one. It works. Instead of revealing the truth and thereby embarrassing the art world, he continues to make money off of his many forgeries. Soon he is caught in a web of lies and dec电影惊情eit, and his life spins out of control. Then one day, high ranking Nazi Hermann Göring knocks on his door, looking for a Vermeer for his private collection... Written by Rinkel Film
Suzanne Raes
Watch as a cast of Vermeer enthusiasts and experts create the largest Vermeer exhibition eve西瓜视频在线观看免费r set to be mounted at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. This fascinating documentary is a unique opportunity to discover what goes on behind the scenes at exhibitions of this scale, from the l亲爱的老师6在线观看视频atest techniques for determining what makes a Vermeer truly Vermeer to new discoveries while searching for the master’s paintings ar郭德纲电影全集ound the world.