搜索"Les" ,找到 1114部影视作品
Leslie Norman
At a fashionable dinner party in Hong Kong a naval officer is coaxed into revealing details of a dream in which eight persons take off from Bangkok in a Dakota bound for Tokyo and crash in the Japanese mountains. Amongst those listening is Air Marshal Hardie who is due to fly to Tokyo the next day. Hardie initiall科比视频高清y dismisses the dream because he is scheduled to fly out in a Liberator, but as Hardie arrives at the airport he discovers that the Liberator has developed mechanical problems and has been replaced by a Dakota. 美女的胸口When, just before the flight is due to depart, two soldiers board the plane making a complement of eight, Hardie fears that the Dream may be coming true and he is destined to die.
本片和特吕弗的《四百击》同被誉为法国电影新浪潮的开山之作。 身无分文的街头混混东京热加勒比高清无线米歇尔(让-保罗•贝尔蒙多)从马赛偷了一辆小汽车,驶往巴黎的路上,他因超速行驶被警察逮住,为了爱魔力脱身,他开枪打死一名警察,来到巴黎后,他躲进当记者的女友帕特丽夏(Jean Seberg)处(躲避警方的通缉之外,他还想方设法讨回一笔卖车赚来的钱)。帕特丽夏去报社时,遇到警长,对方要她一有米歇尔的消息就打电话相告。对米歇尔,帕特丽夏心态复杂,一面深深为他对一切都无所谓的劲儿着迷,在线亚洲专区中文字幕一面却嫌弃他太吊儿郎当。
Vincent Monton
A fast paced dramatic thriller set in locations throughout Victoria, Australia. Grady (Marcus Graham) an ex-soldier whose life has been disrupted and his emotions disturbed, by his experiences at war and in prison, escapes from police custody after attending the burial of his murdered brother, Chris. Alt遇见比尔hough free he is 'on the run' and is driven by his desire for freedom and a need to avenge his brother's death by finding his killer. With his hands still handcuffed Grady returns home and he turns to his former lover Kate, for help. Initially, Kate is not pleased to see Grady but she reluctantly agrees to help him. Grady attempts to call in some favors from his old cell mate, Keith, who together with Grady, Chris and their cousin Frank, were involved in money laundering obl文库肉yin荡受perations. Keith is now keen to stay on the side of the law. Keith tells Grady that Frank and Chris were in business together and that Frank should not be trusted - Chris had made that mistake and now he was dead. Grady and Kate drive to Chris's country house and on their arrival they meet Frank Maguire. Frank is very nervous and Grady suspects that Chris was betrayed by the people whom he trusted most. They find a number of clues that Chris had left and they piece together the events leading to his death. Thrown together again they realize that their passion for each other still exists and, in an all explosive climax they are forced to fight漫步云端下载 for their lives - and their future
马里奥 范 皮布尔斯 (Mario Van Peebles),梅尔文 范 皮布尔斯 (Melvin Van Peebles)
Jim Charleston,George Manasse
Jim Charleston,George Manasse
Patrizia Marani
Wheat has been a staple food of humanity, and a foundation of our diet, dating back to the first civilizations on Earth. Today, a growing segment of wheat products have become tainted, and people have taken up the task of finding out why.
一次偶然中,厌世的流亡作家费尔南多(Germán J三级国产国语三级在线aramillo 饰)结识了名叫亚历山大(Anderson Ballesteros 饰)的年轻小伙,后者的青春与活力很快就让费尔南多放弃了轻生的念头。 然而,亚历山大出身于梅德林最贫困的地区,那是哥伦比亚罪犯们的天堂,每天,都有无数的人在那里死去,无人问津。从小在那里长大的亚历山大自然习惯了梅德林的一套生存法则,尽管这让费尔南多十分无法接受,但两人还是跨越了年龄和性别的阻碍,走到了一起。遗憾的是,一次暴力事件中,为了保护费尔南多,亚历克斯身中数枪死亡,伤心的费尔南多第一次决定用暴力解决问题,他要提自己的爱人报仇。
职业摩托赛车手巴德•克雷(文森特•加洛 Vincent Gallo 饰)独自驾车从新罕布什尔州出发,他将要参加五天后在加州举行的比赛。孤独的旅程让人心绪万千,关于那旧日爱人的回忆慢慢tobu在线观看免费高清浮现脑中。黛西(Chloë Sevigny 饰),一个让他魂牵梦绕且愁绪满怀的名字,这个美丽如同妖精的女孩曾让巴德感受到爱的温暖,而如今她身在何方?巴德一路前行,邂逅了一个又一个充满个性、美丽温柔的女孩,她们短暂慰籍着他的心灵,却最终都被抛在身后。无论怎样,她们无法取代黛西的地位,一如那旧日回忆久久萦绕盘桓…… *本片2003年入选戛纳电影节角逐金棕榈奖,却遭到了“灾难性”的评价。
&电子书下载txt免费全集下载nbsp; 问题学生凯西(Elijah Wood 伊利亚•伍德 饰)和黛丽拉(Jordana Brewster 乔丹娜•布鲁斯特 饰)偶然机缘躲进了衣橱,并由此见证了护士罗莎(Salma Hayek 饰)被残忍杀害的场面。但未过多久,罗莎又完好无损地出现众人面前,表情却如其他老师一般阴森。凯西等人逐渐意识到,这一连串事件和他们发现的某种神秘生物有关,而今这种生物似乎正以令人难以想象的恐怖速度大肆蔓延。危险不断迫近……
Lesley Demetriades
Sara has some questions. Engaged for one day, she decides to call off her marriage. Quirky and beautiful, she is working on being bold. Having had a short relationship with 两个人的视频BD高清在线观看免费a woman in college, Sara seeks that feeling again. How can she have a woman's touch without giving up men entirely? This question launches雀圣3国语 Sara on a bittersweet journey filled with self discovery, sexual awakening, beautiful women and sometimes men.
Craig Pickles,Fiona Walton,Sean Glynn
London Kills tells the story of a team of top murder detectives,富二代app抖音 shot like a documentary. Each宝宝坐下来自己慢慢摇网站 episode features a different murder in addition to a serialized story involvin最近更新中文字幕第1g the lead detective’s missing wife.
Charles Martin Smith
Vincent Monton
A fast paced dramatic thriller set in locations throughout Victoria, Australia. Grady (Marcus Graham) an ex-soldier whose life has been disrupted and his emotions disturbed, by his experiences at war and in prison, escapes from police custody after attending the burial of his murdered brother, Chris. Although free he is 'on the run' and is driven by his desire for freedom and a need to avenge his brother's death by finding his killer. With his hands still handcuffed Grady returns home and he turns to his former lover Kate, for help. Initially, Kate is not pleased to see Grady but she reluctantly agrees to help him. Grady attempts to call in some favors from his old cell mate, Keith, who together with Grady, Chris and their cousin Frank, were involved in money laundering operations. Keith is now keen to stay on the side of the law. Keith tells Grady that Frank and Chris were in business together and that Frank should not be trusted - Chris had made that mistake and now he was dead. Grady and Kate drive to Chris's country house and on their arrival they meet F她那么软(今婳)rank Maguire. Frank is very nervous and Grady suspects that Chris was betrayed by the people whom he trusted most. They find a number of clues that Chris had left and they piece together the events leading to his death. Thrown together again they realize that their passion for each other still exists and, in an all explosive climax they are forced to fight for their lives - and their future
Another brilliant giallo thriller from director Francesco Barilli, whose THE PERFUME OF THE LADY IN BLACK was one of the genre's most haunting and original films. This Italian-Spanish follow-up is a bit muddled, but no less engrossing. Set in a family hotel in Northern Italy in 1945, the film concerns Rosa (Leonora Fani), who helps her mother run the hotel while awaiting her soldier father's return from the front. In a Barilli film, nothing is as it seems, and before long Mom (who is sleeping with a traitor she's hidden in the attic) is murdered. Then poor Rosa is raped by two of the guests, who also are murdered, and while she's hiding the bodies she is forced into an orgy by all of the other guests. But before the guests get to far a mysterious man enters all shots the guests. Who is this mysterious man and what are his intentions for Rosa? Like all the best gialli, Pensione Paura completely dispenses with logic early on, elevating weirdness to nearly operatic levels while absorbing the viewer in a t女劫hick and spellbinding atmosphere of mounting dread. Francisco Rabal co-stars with Luc Merenda, Lidia Biondi, and Jose Maria Prada.
Yamakasi是由七个年轻人组成的. 他们每个人都有一项特异能力:冲刺的速度如火箭一样快、臂力惊人、身体如橡皮筋一样柔软、能够飞檐走壁....等等。Yamakasi七个人在城市中逍遥自在,无所戦乙女不能,他们是大家心目中的传奇人物。 有一天,一个贫困、患有心脏病的小男孩命在旦夕,玉骨遥小说如果12个小时内不能筹到手术费,获得一颗新的心脏接受手术,他将撒手人寰。 一个人在线观看免费的视频 Yamakasi决定抢救小男孩的性命,于是他们七个人决定利用有限的12小时劫富济贫,找有钱大老下手。而一直视他们为眼中钉的警察局,出动大批人马来阻止他们的行动,一场追逐大战就此展开……