搜索"马塞尔" ,找到 102部影视作品
Go Gorilla Go is probably most notable for its strange title, and this carries over into the film; as while it takes obvious inspiration from some big genre classics; the film features some strange plotting and a storyline that is a bit unusual on genre terms. Director Tonino Valerii previously directed the excellent but complicated Giallo My Dear Killer and clearly has a talent for delivering convoluted story lines as Go Gorilla Go features one too! The film focuses on Marco; an undercover police officer who is also working as a body guard for a shady underworld figure. He's also got a brother who is not exactly squeaky clean and has contacts with a few other 'Gorillas' who are in the same line as he is. It's not long before our hero gets involved in a kidnap plot along with his brother and his underworld boss and this plot is ran parallel with a load of others and the whole thing gets rather complicated. Luckily, however, it's all spun together with a whole load of action scenes; many of which are really well done. We've got the usual compliment of car chases and fist fights, but the main standout is a sequence that sees the lead character trapped in an elevator with the bottom taken out. The final car chase, which involves a train a la The French Connection, is also very well executed. The lead role is taken by Fabio Testi and the actor looks the part and plays it well. The rest of the cast is filled out mostly by lesser known Italian actors, but they get on well as an ensemble and bad dubbing aside, the film is above average in the acting department. The way that the story flows does get a bit too confusing at times as we constantly switch from one thing to another, but at least the proceedings are kept entertaining for most of the duration, before exploding in the final third. This film is not very well known and as such has become rather hard to come by. In the grand spectrum of Italian police films; this one is not one of the more important ones or one of the best, but for anyone that considers themselves a fan of this genre; Go Gorilla Go is certainly worth a look and comes recommended.
这是一个魔法司空见惯的神奇世界,青年托马斯·沃德(本·巴恩斯 Ben Barnes 饰)的父亲排行第七,他也是父亲第七个儿子。他生来拥有奇怪的能力,总能在昏迷中看到未来即将发生的事情。某天,一个神秘之人找上门来,对方正51电影网是大名鼎鼎的猎魔人格雷戈里(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)。在过去的岁月里,格雷戈里已经失去了许多个徒弟,因此他找到作为第七子的托马斯,带他走上前所未有的修行之路。与此同时,黑暗女王马尔金(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)正耐心地等待血月之夜的到来。届时她的能力将会极大增强,而死对头格雷戈里绝不会对此坐视不管。 时间一分一秒流逝,托马斯必须尽快变得更强……
Autumn 2015. Two Spanish lifeguards, Oscar and Gerard, travel to the Greek island of Lesbos after seeing the heart-wrenching photograph of a little boy drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. They arrive to discover a shocking reality: thousands of people risking their lives every day by trying to cross the sea in the most precarious of vessels, fleeing from armed conflicts and other miseries in their home countries. But the thing that stands out most is that no one is doing any rescue work. &nb国产亚洲欧美在线播放sp;
Together with Esther, Nico and other members of the team, they will fight to do the job that none of the authorities are doing and provide support to the thousands of people who so badly need it. For all involved, this first trip will turn into an odyssey, one that will change their lives forever.
Charles Brabant,马塞洛·巴格利埃罗
丽瑟(芭芭拉勒琪 Barbara Laage 饰)是一名妓女,一天,她和两个黑人乘坐着同一列火车,突然,四名白人闯入了他们所在的车厢,要求黑人下车,最终,六人扭打在了一起,一名黑人被名叫托马斯的男人开枪打死,另一个黑人跳车逃跑了。&l2019久久久最新精品t;br/> 事后,白人声称黑人想要强奸丽瑟,所以他们才“拔刀画江湖之不良人2真人版相助”,而出手杀人的托马斯,他的表弟福莱特有一个当参议员的爹,福莱特为了帮助托马斯脱罪,竟然要求丽瑟作伪证。丽瑟虽然没有读过什么书,从事的也是低贱的工作,但她有一颗闪闪发光的心,对于这种非正义的要求誓死不从,无奈参议员巧舌如簧,在他的半哄半骗之下,丽瑟最终还是在伪证上签了名。
Four swindle stories, taking place successively in Tokyo - Japa芭乐app下载汅api未满入内免费黑科技n (Les cinq bienfaiteurs de Fumiko), Amsterdam - The Netherlands (La r一线完整版在线观看免费iviere de diamants), Italie (La feuille de route), and Paris - France (L'homme qui vend黎明之眼电影it la tour Eiffel).
19世纪,描写美与丑的文学作品风靡一时。“美”之古怪亮丽,有供人欢愉的脱衣舞会所,有病势严重的私生子,有麻木不仁的上层人士,有父亲之命的婚姻,还有未遂企图的凌辱糟蹋,以及其他心花路放下载。“美”之感情丰富,既有美丽者如真爱,也有残酷者如恐惧与恨。被身处社会上层的爱人无情抛弃之后,可 怜的女人为了支付儿子的医药费,无奈旋舞于众人之前,卖弄色相。受迫于父亲之命,心早有所属的姑娘不得不面对即将于一位年逾古稀者mm影院结为夫妻的残酷现实。 摄于1921年,法国马塞尔·莱皮埃导演,片头字幕中特别注明:这是一出“闹剧”,表达了莱皮埃对汤玛斯·英斯那种平凡的轶事式的题材的轻视,他以标新立异的形式讲述了西班牙舞女西比拉的悲剧命运。莱皮埃从法国的印象派画家和美国的格里菲斯以及瑞典的斯约斯特约姆的艺术成果中吸取营养,把特技作为重要的电影表现手段。影片中精练而完美的摄影技巧,使西班牙的户外风景和室内布景协调一致,并对剧情发展到起重要作用。影片还探讨了艺术技巧抒发激情的方法。黑夜传说5百度云
19世纪,描写美与丑的文学作品风靡一时。“美”之古怪亮丽,有供人欢愉的脱衣何以笙箫默 电影舞会所,有病势严重的私生子,有麻木不仁的上层人士,有父亲之命的婚姻,还有未遂企图的凌辱糟蹋,以及其他。“美”之感情丰富,既有美丽者如真爱,也有残酷者如恐惧与恨。被身处社会上层的爱人无情抛弃之后,可 怜的女人为了支付儿子的医药费,无奈旋舞于众人之前,卖弄色相。受迫于父亲之命,心早有所属的姑娘不得不面对即打手心的故事将于一位年逾古稀者结为夫妻的残酷现实。 摄于1921年,法国马塞尔·莱皮埃导演,片头字幕中特别注明:这是一出“闹剧”,表达了莱皮埃对汤玛斯·英斯那种平凡的轶事式的题材的轻视,他以标新立异的形式讲述了西班牙舞女西比拉的悲剧命运。莱皮埃从法国的印象派画家和美国的格里菲斯以及瑞典的斯约斯特约姆的艺术成果中吸取营养,把特技作为重要的电影表现手段。影皮肤饥渴症by半瓶可乐片中精练而完美的摄影技巧,使西班牙的户外风景和室内布景协调一致,并对剧情发展到起重要作用。影片还探讨了艺术技巧抒发激情的方法。
一部有关阴谋政变的豪华传记片,取材自1930年代法国的一个真实的故事。风流潇洒的主人公是一位法国籍俄国犹太人,他曾以诈骗罪被捕入狱,出来后改名换姓四处行骗,从事非法的投机活动,最终控制了全巴黎的新闻出版界、跑马场、政界以及豪华的社交场所。他还是个不折不扣的赌徒。最终丑闻败露,与之一起倒台的还有许多受牵连的政府官员。他在追捕中不得不自杀。而这一事件同时也暴露了法国政界的内幕和丑闻,加剧了内部派系的斗争,使得法国政府经历了一次当男人恋爱时的结局严重的政治危机,差点就垮台了。 影片通过这样一个在上流社会靠行骗耍手段而飞黄腾达的骗子故事,来检视在那段经济不景气、人心彷徨的年代中人性的趋向和人的精神状况。中间还插入了苏联流亡人士托洛茨基来法国寻求庇护的内容,跟史塔维斯基组成鲜明的对比。编导目的在于暗喻法国政治取向的两种极端方向。桑德海姆的音乐恰到好处地配合了画面。
腰缠万贯的法国富豪阿兰(费尔南多·雷依 Fernando Rey 饰)手上运作着全球最大的海洛因走私网,警方多番追踪仍无法将其落网,卧底警察也被残忍杀害。而在另一头的纽约城,侦探道尔(吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman 饰)和鲁索(罗伊·施奈德 Roy Scheider 饰)还在酒吧中与当地贩毒分子交锋,浑然不知阿兰正在计划将一笔3200万美元的海女主播韩剧洛因走私入美国。然而没过多久,在一次跟踪行动中,道尔和鲁索很快发现了可疑人物与贩毒网之间的关系,一场与贩毒团伙斗智斗勇的险恶持久战就此拉开。道尔和鲁索这对互相看不顺眼的搭档,究竟能想出多少计谋,躲过多少暗箭,最后又能否一举破获这起来自法国的大规模贩毒案呢? 本片根据罗宾·摩尔(Robin Moore)的真人真事作品改编,并获得第44届奥斯卡金像奖最佳电影、最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳改编剧本、最佳剪辑奖。
影片以第一次世界大战为背景,讲述三名法国俘虏在德国集中营越狱的故事。 三名法国飞行员在一次任务执行中被德军击落,波迪奥、迈克和罗森女高中生蒋雅雅性日记塔尔三人被带到战俘集中营。波迪奥与德军监狱长罗芬斯坦都是贵族出身,有着共同的政治见解,二人在狱中成为朋友。三人随后发现狱友正进行越狱计划,他们挖出一条逃跑的通道。鬼吹灯之龙岭迷窟免费迈克和罗森塔尔也加入了挖掘行动。最后他们集体越狱,德军全力追捕,在逃亡中,波迪奥被罗芬斯坦击倒,两名法国俘最近更新中文字幕在线电影虏迈克和罗森塔尔逃到一个德国农妇家中,在她的帮助下,二人经过种种波折逃到瑞士。 本片是最早的越狱片之一,被评为最伟大的“越狱电影”之一,同时也是导演让·雷诺阿的反战杰作。
av我要看 五位著名导演,各自执导了一段关于二十岁恋情的短片。 一、特吕弗《安托万与柯莱特》:《四百下》男主角安托万人生故事的延续,安托万暗恋上比自己年纪稍大的柯莱特,柯莱特却只把他当作弟弟般地看待,安托万的早恋就此无疾而终。 二、瓦伊达《华沙》:少女爱上了在动物园里见义勇为的男子,而力邀他参与家里的青年朋友聚会。不经意间,一些场景细节勾起了男子战时的记忆伤痕…… 三、罗西里尼(无标题):可怜的下层女孩不甘心充当第三者,却被成熟老练的贵妇寥寥火影之紫月传说数语击溃了心理防线…… 四、石原慎太郎(无标题):年轻的工人暗恋上气质非凡的女子,尽管每天都会在路上碰面,他却不敢有所表达而沉耽于幻想,被压抑的强烈欲望最终引发为悲剧。 五、马克斯•奥菲尔斯(无标题):借助于往昔青春岁月的甜蜜回忆,一对夫妇逐步修复彼此之间的关系裂痕。
弗吉尔(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)是一个智商不太够用的笨小孩,可是,来自于贫民窟的出生让他的血液中流淌着犯罪的基因。仿佛生来就是为了犯罪,弗吉尔从来就没有考虑过别的出路。就这样,在一次失败的运钞车抢劫之后,弗吉尔锒铛入狱。利用一次成为药物实验对象的机会,弗吉尔获得了假释,可出狱后的弗吉尔死性不改,依旧过着充满了罪恶的生活。一次蹩脚的抢劫让弗吉尔结识了洗衣女工露易丝(珍妮特·玛戈林 Janet Margolin 饰),两人一见钟情。为了成为可以被依靠的男人幸福的时光,弗吉尔下定决心,要在抢银行这份十分有前途的工作上再接再厉。在着那让人着急的智商的帮助下,弗吉尔再度入狱…… 本片为伍迪·艾伦真正意义上的处女作,用伪纪录片的方式讲述了一个令人啼笑皆非的荒诞故事,也唐时顾倾城小说全文免费阅读为之后的《西力传》奠定了风格。
萨宾娜(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn 饰)出生在富有的拉若比庄园,但她并非千金贵族,而是该庄园一介小小司机的女儿。可悲的是,萨宾娜看上了庄园里风流成性的公子哥戴维(威廉·霍尔登 William Holden 饰),而后者从来没有将她放在眼里。萨宾娜遵循父亲的旨意前往巴黎学习东经热厨艺,在此期间,逐渐成熟起来的萨宾娜散发出了惊人的魅力。与此同时,为了促进家族企业的发展,戴维与伊丽莎白(玛莎·海尔 Martha Hyer 饰)的婚事正在如火如荼的进行中。就在这个节骨眼上,学有所成的萨宾娜回到了庄园,她的归来立刻吸引了野花免费观看戴维的眼球,两人不顾长辈的反对感情迅速升温。 为了维护弟弟的婚事,哥哥莱纳斯(亨弗莱·鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart 饰)决定主动接近萨宾娜,以此来削弱她对戴维的依恋。在相处中,莱纳斯和萨宾娜之间产生了异样的感情,戴维得知此事同莱纳斯大打出手,而萨宾娜也误以为莱纳斯的感情只是一个阴谋。伤心的她逃亡巴黎,不久之后,莱纳斯也踏上了追随她的路途。
Middle class student Bob Letellier enters a new world when he meets Alain, a free-thinking rebel who, along with his group of young Parisians, has opted for a life of instant gratification instead of work and commitment. At a party, Bob meets a young woman, Mic, who appears to be just as carefree and cynical as Alain. Mic's only dream is to own a luxury car, and with Bob's help, she manages to find the money to but it. Mic's friend Clo discovers she is pregnant and, not knowing who the father is, she asks Bob to marry her. When they next meet at a party, Bob and Mic deny that they have any feelings for one another - a declaration七色网站 that soon leads to tragedy... Marcel Carné is widely regarded as one of the standard bearers of French quality cinema of the 1930s and 1940s, responsible for such masterpieces as Quai des brumes (1938) and Les Enfants du Paradis (1945). How ironic then that, in 1958, towards the end of his film-making career, he should make a film which dared to portray the attitudes and behaviour of the 1950s youth, in a way that effectively captures the mood and sentiment of the time. Les Tricheurs was a hugely controversial film, not least because of its blatant depiction of adolescent free-love, and was even banned in some regions of France. It also received some intensely unfavourable reviews, most notably from the young hotheads on the Cahiers du cinéma such as François Truffaut who cited this film as a prime example of the decline of French cinema into mediocrity. In spite of all this negative press, the film proved to be an astonishing commercial success, attracting five million cinema-goers, and was awarded the Grand Prix du Cinéma français in 1958. Whilst Les Tricheurs is not as flawless as Carné's earlier masterpieces, it is nonetheless a significant work, having the power to both shock and move its audience, whilst having great entertainment value. It evokes the mood of its time in a way that few French films of this period did, depicting young people as pleasure-seeking rebels, rejecting the austerity and discipline of the previous generation whilst pursuing a life without cares, responsibilities or love. Similarities with James Dean's films of the 1950s (most notably Rebel without a Cause) are apparent, although Carné's treatment of young people is far more abstract - in his film they merely symbolise a world that has lost its way, more or less victims of post-war prosperity. Although the young people in Les Tricheurs lack the authenticity to be totally credible, the film does make an important, and indeed quite disturbing point, about where the permissive society may be heading. Much of the pleasure of the film is in the performances from its four lead actors, Jacques Charrier, Pascale Petit, Laurent Terzieff and Andréa Parisy, although only Terzieff is really convincing in his role. Marcel Carné originally considered Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo for the parts of Bob and Alain respectively, before opting for Charrier and Terzieff. As a consolation, Carné offered Belmondo a smaller part in the film - alas too small for the actor to be noticed by the public. Belmondo's breakthrough had to wait until the following year when he starred in Jean-Luc Godard's revolutionary A bout de souffle, a film which offers a very different perspective of the youth generation.
生物学教授詹尼西尔(Pierre Brasseur 饰)因一次车祸使心爱的女儿克莉丝汀(Edith Sco阿拉善英雄会7分钟b 饰)面容尽毁,女儿伤愈后只能终日戴着瘆人的白色面具,痛苦非常。爱女心切且心怀内疚的詹尼西尔与助手路易丝(Alida Valli 阿莉达•瓦莉 饰)伪装克莉丝汀失踪、死亡的假象,暗中诱拐与女儿年龄相仿的女性,将其麻醉后剥掉面皮,移植到克莉丝汀脸上。
新条真由 但手术接连失败,牺牲者也不断增加。亲眼所见诸多同龄女孩惨遭杀害,克莉丝汀心中痛苦不已。另一方面,众多女孩失踪的案件也引起了警方的注意,他们逐渐将目标锁在疯狂的詹尼西尔身上……