搜索"Hadi" ,找到 43部影视作品
Chadi Abdel Salam
Based on one of the major literary texts survived from the Middle Kingdom, the classical period of Egyptian literature, The Eloquent Peasant is a combination of a morality/folk tale and a poem. The events are set between 2160 and 2025 BC. When the peasant Khun-anup and his don一起来又流星雨key stumble upon the lands of the noble Rensi, the peasant’s goods are confiscated and he’s unjustly accused of theft. The peasant petitions Rensi who is so taken by the peasant’s eloquence that he report his astonishing discovery to the king. The king realises the peasant has been wronged but delays judgement so as to he can hear more of his eloquence. The peasant makes a total of nine petitions until finally, his goods are returned.
In the time of Counter-Reformation, a miller and his son come under investigation by a priest of the Inquisition, when rumors spread that their prosperity comes from working with the Devil. The Devil's Trap is a film directed by František Vlá?il, based on a novel by Alfréd Technik, adapted by Fran索多玛的120天 快播tišek A. Dvorák and Miloš Kratochvíl. It was the first of three historical dramas that Vlá?il made during the Czech New Wave (technically he isn't really a part of the New Wave, however these films were made during the same era of artistic freedom), preceding his more well known Marketa Lazarová (1967) and Valley of the Bees (1968). Set in the late 16th Century during the Catholic Reformation, in the Moravian Karst, situated in what is now the Eastern Czech Republic, it tells the tale of a miller (Vítezslav Vejrazka), and his son Jan (Vít Olmer), who come under suspicion and are investigated by a Jesuit priest of the Inquisition (Miroslav Macháchek), when rumors of witchcraft are spread by the local regent (Cestmír Randa), who is jealous of the miller's prosperity and degree of respect among the local populace. As expected from Vlá?il, this film is a stunning experience all the way through. From the opening shot, an ominous manipulation of perspective with a close up of a mangled figure of Christ dominating the foreground against a tiny figure in black walking along the horizon, to the breathtaking confrontational finale inside the vast stalactite filled Karst caverns, it is a wonderful display of visual mastery. Maybe not quite as impressive as Marketa Lazarová, but still full of astonishing imagery. As seen from unique angles and distinct points of view which highlight the director's remarkable sense of awareness of framing, motion, and positioning on the emotional and dramatic tone of the scene. The most memorable being a repeated shot where the camera is suspended and launched with speed t多功能老婆在线观看hrough the air towards the miller's door. The story here is a simple one and I would say more accessible than his later works. With a conventional structure emphasized as much by its plot and characters, than by its expressionistic cinematography or authentic historical detail. The events play out without much surprise, and there is a strong underlying, almost supernatural, mysterious aspect that is left unresolved, in fact barely explored, which is slightly disappointing, but only because it's so fascinating that I wish there was more. Acting is great all around. Particularly the villains: Miroslav Macháchek as the priest, casting a sinister and imposing shadow wherever he goes, and Cestmír Randa as八度电影 the weasel like regent behind all the persecution. While Vít Olmer brings a charismatic leading man presence in his role as the miller's son Jan, in love with the lovely orphan girl Martina (Karla Chadimová), who becomes a dangerous object of rivalry between Jan and other young men of the village. The film also features the evocative music of Zden?k Liška (perhaps the most prolific composer of the Czech New Wave). In this his second of eleven collaborations with Vlá?il, his compositions are used sparingly, but to great effect, complimenting but never overpowering a scene. The best example of which can be heard in an amazingly shot celebration and dance sequence at the end of the second act. The Devil's Trap might not be a masterpiece, but it is still a strong effort, with a fascinating straightforward story and a glorious historical setting captured beautifully by Vlá?il's unmistakable visual prowess. A fine work that would also be the perfect starter plate to prepare yourself for the challenging feast of Marketa Lazarová or The Valley of the Bees. It even has an easy to digest running time. It's therefore puzzling why this gem remains largely overlooked and ignored.
导演:马克马巴夫(伊朗) 电影的神奇在于能够重建时间,尤如生命可以重来。 伊朗导演马克马巴夫年轻时是个激进分子,曾因袭击并刺伤一个警察而被捕入狱,出狱之后,终放弃了政治理想,而把电影当成了信仰,就在他拍《电影万岁》的时候,竟然发现当年他袭击的警察也在一群试镜者当中。后来3456影院网站,他就以他们二人的故事拍了这部《无知时刻》。 导演试图重建当年自己制造的袭击事件,并且邀请了另一位当事人--那位警察一起来完成这次重建:找来二位小演员,分别扮演年轻时的马克马巴夫和警察,马克马巴夫和警察分别去跟自己的扮演者讲述当年自己的行为始末,然后拍摄行刺过程。当然导演也就不只是马克马巴夫,还有那个警察。事实上,他也的确一直在重建过程中表达他的愿望和理想,开始是教他的扮演者给过来问他时间的女孩送盆花,后来又教他朝她开枪,而这二样,都是他当年没有做的。 还有一位人物,是马克马巴夫的表妹,马克马巴夫当年行刺的时候,以她去问那位警察时间做掩护,而警察却始终不知道这情况,把当年那个总是来问他几点的女孩当作心上人念念不忘,直到拍摄时他看到一个小女孩演员和马克马巴夫的扮演者一同走向自己的扮演者的时候才恍然大悟。 他感到被欺骗和伤害之后,自行篡改了历史:他告诉自己的扮演者,不论是谁靠近和他说话,你就向她开枪,包括那位女孩。他也企图在对过去的重建中表达他受伤害的愤怒,如果生命可以重来! 在重建的企图下,导演的却是一出巧妙的虚构,而正是这一虚构,把过去韩国女主播夏娃全集的故事转换成了现在时态,也使得导演对于过去的反思显得更有诚意。 纪录片样的拍摄手法,质朴而坦诚。电影开始的时候,马克马巴夫在试镜找二个17岁的演员扮演他自己和那位警察,扮演他的那位说他的理想是拯救人类;而警察的扮演者却一副老实巴交的样子,警察十分不满,拒绝出演,说导演如果改变主意就到哪里哪里去找他,愤然而去,摄影师问导演要不要把他追回来,而导演说,这个角色对他很重要,他会回来的。演员如同在生活般演戏,导演也如同生活般在拍电影:看,这是我的生活,也就是我的电影。 当警察在教他的扮演者应该怎么送上盆花的时候,马克马巴夫表妹的扮演者刚好路过,问他几点。跃然而出电影穿越时间的神奇,仿佛浑然天成的回文狭道列车诗。 二位导演的企图最后都被几个小演员给颠覆了:激进分子递上的是大饼,警察掏出的是盆花,代替了匕首和手枪。
本片讲述了7个伊朗女性的悲惨故事。妇女从医高树三姐妹 在线院领到了尚在襁褓中的女儿,但是她并不开心,因为此前的超声波显示,她怀了一个男童,如今倒凤颠鸾,令她措手不及。当地重男轻女的风俗,令她如堕冷宫。刚出狱岁岁年年柿柿红电视剧的女孩跟女伴到处找钱,历尽千辛万苦,凑齐了钱,却最终怯于踏上返乡的列车。未婚先孕的少女被哥哥扫地出门,在男友死亡后只得去做了人工流产,出狱后的中年女人发现男人已出轨。当了护士的女孩想方设法帮她,自己的婚姻却陷入僵局…… 本片获57届威尼斯电影节最佳影片金狮奖。
2017年,朝鮮領導人金正恩的同父異母兄弟金正男於馬來西亞遭刺殺,造成轟動世界的國際新聞。兩名互不相識的年輕女子被指將搽滿化學武器VX神經毒大地影院在线播放劑的雙手抹在金正男臉上,最終導致其死亡。二人被控謀殺問罪死刑,辯稱以為自己只是參與整蠱節目,一個陰差陽錯令她們舉世矚目。問題是她們是誰?是殺手?是代罪羔羊?還被赠与的未来是政治角力中的棋子?為甚麼兩個從東南亞鄉村出身的年輕女子,最終會捲入政治漩渦的中心?曾執導多齣得獎紀錄作品的賴恩韋特 (Ryan White),透過拆解這宗懸案的重重疑點,揭露兩名女子身處的無力現實,充滿了諷刺與荒唐。本片入圍辛丹斯電影節國際紀錄片單元。
帕维斯(本尼·拉德杰鲍尔 Benny Radjaipour 饰)是一位精力十分旺盛的年轻人,他住在德国下萨克森州的一个非常前卫的街区中。平日里,帕维斯喜欢将自己的生活安排的满满当当七妹导航大全,蹦迪、喝酒、在夜总会中尽情挥洒这过剩的荷尔蒙,甚至有时候,他会为了寻求刺激,而故意去触碰一下法律的高压线。苏沐颜顾琰小说 某日,帕维斯的盗窃行为被抓了个正着,为了惩罚他,帕维斯被警方安排到了一间难民收容所里做义工,在那儿,帕维斯邂逅了名为阿蒙(埃迪恩·杰拉里 Eidin Jalali 饰)的青年,两人之间碰撞出了激情的火花。随着阿蒙的姐姐巴娜飞(巴娜芙茜·霍尔玛兹蒂 Banafshe Hourmazdi 饰)的出现,他们三人陷入了一段疯狂的关系韩国在线之中。
两位伊朗女子娜拉(Qazal Shakeri 饰)和阿汀聂(Shayesteh Irani 饰)来自不同的背景和阶层。娜拉缺乏人生经验,是传统的穆斯林妇女。由于丈夫锒铛入狱,她不得不破除禁忌成为的士司机,江辰唐楚楚的小说全文免费阅读无弹窗开车补贴家用。在载客途中,她遇到了富有而反叛的乘客阿汀聂。娜拉无意中发现阿汀聂竟是计划前往德国做变性手术,由女儿变男儿身。无法置信的娜拉对 阿汀聂极度抗拒,然而一段同「车」旅行,却让她的价值观受到前所未有的冲击...... 本片是伊朗女导演震撼影坛的首作,获旧金山同志电影节最佳处女作奖,它也是伊朗史上首部以刻庆余年在线观看影院画跨性别(变性)角色为主的电影。
Based on one of the major literary texts survived from the Middle Kingdom, the classical period of Egyptian literature, The Eloquent Peasant is a combination of a morality/folk tale and a poem. The events are set between 2160 and 2025 BC. When the peasant Khun-anup and his donkey stumble upon the lands of the noble Rensi, the peasant’s goods are confiscated and he’s unjustly accused of女人公敌4高清完整版 theft. The peasant petitions Rensi who is so taken by the peasant’s eloquence that he report his astonishing discovery to the king. The king realises the peasant has been wronged but delays judgement so as to he can hear more of his eloquence. The peasant makes a total of nine petitions until finally, his goods are returned.
Jeihan Angga
残情狂君 喜欢写诗的艾普尔(米歇尔·齐乌迪斯 Michelle Ziudith 饰)遇到了 Senandika(礼萨·拉哈迪安 Reza Rahadian 饰),一位成功地以其哲学和原则吸引注意力的音乐家。April 看到 Sena 的潜力,将他介绍给 Sanya,一位年轻的制作人,也是她最好的朋友。冲突始于 April 和 Sena 彼此相爱,但被 April 的父亲 Halim(Bambang Paningron 饰)阻止。Halim 派 April 去伦敦,让她远离 Sena。April 将 Sena 托付给三亚。她希望塞娜的成功能够融化她的父亲,让他认可她和塞娜的关系。多年后,April 回到印度尼西亚,见证了 Sena 取得的成功。不幸的是,April、Sena 和 Sanya 之间的误会,让 April 心中生出疑惑。@优质资源库
On her final combat mission across the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, Royal Air Force fighter pilot Lt. Kate Sinclair’s jet is shot down over one of the most dangerous rebel st97韩剧网rongholds. When insurgents come after her at the crash site, she finds refuge in a long since abandoned underground bunker. After tracking Sinclair into the depths of the bunker, the 哈哈漫画登录页面免费漫画入口insurgents accidentally awaken a man-made deadly biological weapon known as the Ravagers - half human, half alien and hungry for human flesh. Terrified, she watches the creatures rip apart the men pursuing her. Sinclair barely escapes and is picked up by a US army patrol sent to find her. Major Roy Finch, commander of the local US army outpost ‘Fort Apache’, and his ragtag squad of brave soldiers have a difficult time believing mutant monsters have been kept hidden in these mountains. Unaware th快乐大本营2009全集at she has been tracked to their base, dozens of the vicious creatures are already swarming towards them.